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Polarization Synthesis

The representation of the elements of the [S]-matrix are dependent on the polarization basis. Using the results from section 4.9, we can now derive from a given [S]-matrix in { $ \vec{e}_h,\vec{e}_v $} basis, the [S]-matrix for an arbitrary basis { $ \vec{e}_x , \vec{e}_y$} by an unitary congruence transformation [Lüneburg96]

$\displaystyle [S]_{xy}=[U]_{2 \times 2}^T [S]_{hv} [U]_{2 \times 2} \quad where...
...ho \rho^*}} \left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & - \rho^*  \rho & 1 \end{array}\right]$ (3.8)

The scattering matrix components $ S_{xy}$ in the { $ \vec{e}_x , \vec{e}_y$} basis, characterised by the polarisation ratio $ \rho$, are then given by
$\displaystyle S_{xx}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {1}{1 + \rho \rho^*}[S_{hh} + 2 \rho S_{x} +\rho^{2}S_{vv}]$ (3.9)
$\displaystyle S_{xy}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {1}{1 + \rho \rho^*}[\rho S_{hh} + (1 - \rho \rho^*)S_{x} -\rho^{*} S_{vv}]$  
$\displaystyle S_{yx}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {1}{1 + \rho \rho^*}[\rho S_{hh} - (\rho \rho^* - 1)S_{x} -\rho^{*} S_{vv}]$  
$\displaystyle S_{yy}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {1}{1 + \rho \rho^*}[\rho^{2}S_{hh} + 2 \rho S_{x} + S_{vv}]$  

Even though the elements of [S] change under the transformation some properties of the [S]-matrix are invariant.
The span of the matrix, defined as the quadratic sum of its elements, corresponds to the total power, and is constant.
[S] is symmetric in any arbitrary polarization bases as long as the BSA convention [IEEE79] is used, hence the reciprocity theorem yields than that the cross-polar components are equal.
det([S]) is invariant because $ det([U]_{2 \times 2}) = 1$.

Therefore, given a [S]-matrix for an arbitrary combination of transmit and receive polarizations, it is possible to generate the [S]-matrix for any other arbitrary combination of transmit and receive polarizations [Boerner90]. One of the common applications of this relation is the transformation from the linear { $ \vec{e}_h,\vec{e}_v $} basis to the circular { $ \vec{e}_R,\vec{e}_L$} basis. For example, for the investigations in [Krogager95a] the cirular basis is better suited and therefore, the [S] - matrix, measured with two linear polarized antennas $ [S]_{HV}$ is transformed in the cirular basis $ [S]_{RL}$. The elements of the $ [S]_{RL}$ basis for the backscatter case are given by

$\displaystyle S_{RR}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle iS_{x} + \frac {1}{2}(S_{hh} - S_{vv})$ (3.10)
$\displaystyle S_{LL}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle iS_{x} - \frac {1}{2}(S_{hh} - S_{vv})$  
$\displaystyle S_{RL}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac {i}{2}(S_{hh} + S_{vv})$  

If the polarization transformation properties of a target change moderately, one could envisage a radar which dynamically adjusts the polarization in order to receive maximum power from a given target all the times [Boerner93], [Cysz91]. Such polarization tracking radars are, for instance, applied to achieve significant signal-to-clutter enhancement and interference suppression [Poelman84].

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